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Interesting about France - you need to know the laws

Interesting about France - you need to know the laws


Interesting about France - you need to know the laws

Interesting about France - you need to know the laws

France has very strange laws ☺

Here are just a few examples:

It is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon.

It is also forbidden to kiss on railway tracks.

The law banning women from wearing trousers was only repealed in 2012 In the city of Châteauneuf-du-Pape in Provence, the law prohibits flying saucers from landing within the city.

Until 1964, French women could not open a bank account or obtain a passport without their husband's permission.

France bans beauty contests for children.

Welcome to the most outstanding professional escort agency in France Luxury Girls Escort.
This site contains adult content and is for over 18's only.